5 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi


Ali qushji principal Ali Bin Muhammad (1403, Samarkand-December 16, 1474, İstanbul), Timur's Empire and the Ottoman Empire, an astronomer, mathematician, and scientist.Astronomer and scholar of Ali Qushji, in 1403 words Samarkand was born in. Turkish or Persian claims that are available. His father, Muhammad, Timurid Sultan and astronomer Ulugh Beg's family for "Birdman" Birdman of Alcatraz is famous. From a young age, interested in mathematics and astronomy Ali Qushji, Behzad Kadızâde March 9th, Gıyâseddin Cemşîd and Muînuddîn studied mathematics and astronomy from Kâşî. Then, to improve the knowledge of the King. Here, Hall-of the description-Kamer (disclosure of the closing stages of the Moon), he wrote the treatise with Şerh-i Tecrîd intervene in domestic petrol market. Ali qushji, Samarkand and Kerman to help in training after completing the Ulugh Beg Observatory and became a Manager. He wanted to go on pilgrimage in 1449. Tabriz showed great respect for him and the long ruler of the Akkoyunlu Hasan peace talks with the help of the Ottoman Empire. Ali qushji, Uzun Hasan's spokesman after World War II. Mehmed arrived in İstanbul on the invitation. By order of Fatih Sultan Mehmed, Ottoman-Akkoyunlu border a great ceremony welcomed Ali Qushji, Sophia medresesine magical happened. He died in İstanbul on December 16, 1474.


Risale-I fi al-Hey (astronomy)
Şehri Tici Ulugh Beg (astronomy)
Risale-I fi al-Fethiye (astronomy, Risale-I fi al-Hey Arabisch of named to)
Risala fi Al-Muhammadiyah (math, algebra and calculus)

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